
Admissions into our school for 2023/2024 academic year is on-going

The application/registration fee is #7000 and this can be paid in cash in the school premises or transferred into…

  • Acct Name: You-Nik International Technopreneurship Secondary School
  • Bank: First Bank PLC
  • Acct number: 2031550820

If you opt for a transfer, pls send the receipt to 08154230733. A link and a code will be sent to you to apply online. For more info pls call 08154230733.

The application/registration fee is #7000 and this can be paid in cash in the school premises or transferred into…

  • Acct Name: You-Nik International Technopreneurship Secondary School
  • Bank: First Bank PLC
  • Acct number: 2031550820

If you opt for a transfer, pls send the receipt to 08154230733. A link and a code will be sent to you to apply online. For more info pls call 08154230733.

The application/registration fee is #7000 and this can be paid in cash in the school premises or transferred into…

  • Acct Name: You-Nik International Technopreneurship Secondary School
  • Bank: First Bank PLC
  • Acct number: 2031550820

If you opt for a transfer, pls send the receipt to 08154230733. A link and a code will be sent to you to apply online. For more info pls call 08154230733.